Sunday, March 1, 2015

Color that Inspires!

So, I have really been having fun dyeing my own colors. One of my favorite discoveries is how fun it is to have 'fun' cooking in an extra pot as I dye wool for my rugs and for the kits I do. Above are some of my 'Color Doodles.' Some I can do over and over- others, are one of a kind, like a bundle I sold today, 'Grandma's Pansies.' (Pictured- last three on the right)

I get into trouble with color. One color in the most unsuspecting place is enough to start my brain thinking of how I could use that color- which often leads to a bit of frustration because I would need ten lifetimes to do every idea that comes to mind. So, which one to choose?

I love shades of smokey blues and pinks and purples. What colors inspire you? And what are your favorite ways of using them? Do you have colors on your shelf that you can't bear to use until you find something so special and so worthy of such a delicious color?

This is a bundle that I call 'Mountain Rain.' These colors make me think of a the smells of a mountain after a rain. Wet pine, a stormy sky and raindrops. I have one of these left in my Etsy store. 

Now, this was a FUN piece to do. It is available also in my Etsy shop. It reminds me of a bed of Iris and that's why I call it 'Maggie's Iris Bed.' Raspberry, Gold and a rich deep Rose. 

What colors inspire you? Do they evoke memories or make you hungry even?