
Sunday, August 3, 2014

Character, Mind and Spirit!

"So her needlework expresses what she is, more clearly than her handwriting does. It expresses everything that makes her an individual unlike any other person- her character, her mind and her spirit, her experience in living. It expresses, too, her country's history and culture, the traditions, the philosophy, the way of living that she takes for granted."
~Rose Wilder Lane

This past weekend my family traveled to Seattle, Washington for my son's wedding. As long as we were that close, we decided to stay a couple days on the Oregon Coast. It was marvelous. The highlight of the trip (for me) was being buried knee high in sand by my three teenage girls as they raced against the racing waves. Soon a wave enveloped me as we laughed so hard and I loved every minute of it as I hoped to be creating a memory for my darling girls someday.

The photo above is of a rug I picked up at a thrift store along the sea. It measures nine feet long and three feet wide- a runner. It is completely handmade- probably punched and it is beautiful and mine for $5! I cannot imagine the hours that were spent on this rug- I imagine years really.
Whatever the case, I appreciate that this beauty was made with the fingers and the heart of a lovely lady and expresses who she is or was 'more than even her handwriting' as Rose Wilder Lane wrote.
I also want to share a picture that came through my Facebook feed this week. It is my 'Joseph' design being hooked by Doris of Ohio. I cannot express in words how this touches my heart. When I make something I always hope that it will bless someone, bring a smile to a worn heart or a pattern would give some hours of leisure and contentment to someone I will probably never meet. When I see this-it's like I get a smile back and my heart is so....oh...gratified. So, thank you, Doris! Thank you!


  1. Doris is hooking wonderfully on Joseph! Love her color choices and direction of hooking!

  2. I agree! I just love what she is doing and can't wait to see it finished!! Her friend finished 'Joseph' not long ago and it is beautiful as well.
