
Tuesday, October 8, 2013


First of all, here where I ended last night. It's a design that I love so much that I think I will speed through it just to know what it will look like when I am finished. If this is your first time hearing about this rug, I will tell you that it is a very special one to me. My son, Joseph, is engaged to a very lovely young woman, Abigail. I am making this rug and when I sell it, whatever I make on it, will be theirs for things they may need for their wedding. The name of this rug is 'Joseph' as I see so much symbolism of their future life together.

If you received this in your email and you are also aware of my blog on my Squarespace website- I would think that you would be confused. I will explain. I am having to 'redo' the website. I have hired some ladies to build  a new website for me. It is all about having a permanent domain address of my own. So, this, Blogspot, will be my permanent blog 'spot' and my new web address is You could go there now and see that it is under construction. I have transferred over the blog-posts I wrote from Squarespace to here. When it is all said and done- this will be my blogging place and I will have a website address of my very own. I hope that clears up some confusion. 

I have few ideas for the coming months- ice skating, spinning wheels, lambs, oh, I have a custom rug to do with a Tuscan theme. So, lots to do and lots for you to see!

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